Photogallery » Buildings and architecture photography » Nimis


The road down to Nimis is not easy to find. Nimis (lat. "too much") is situated on the peninsula of Kullaberg in the south of Sweden. We had a bothersome and sweaty trip down to Nimis, in order not to say back again but the each worth inconvenience. One wonders how he had the strength to do this and what makes a man to begin with such a big projects.

If I willed go there again? hmm, perhaps if someone else berries the photo equipment on 13 kg, then i might do it.

In 1980 the artist and arthistorian Lars Vilks started to work on Nimis, a construction of driftwood and rests from the cutting areas.

When Vilks started to work with hammer and nail at Nimis his ideas were rather vague, but he had in mind to make a meetingplace between theory and practice. The place chosen, the north side of the Kullaberg Nature Reservate, was remot and he could work for almost two years before his piece was discovered.

Read more history of Nimis -
