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Torup Castle, Svedala

Torup's Slott, slott in Svedala municipality.

Torup is one of northens well preserved middleage castle with history from 12th centory. The castle is a three floors high brick building. The forms a square with a eight margin towers in northwestern and a round in the southeastern corner.

Torup's recreation area is a 365 hectare big beech wood area with private member's bill tracks, walk paths and riding roads. The free air farm is a warehouse from 16th centory. It  contains dressing rooms, strength training local and café.

Görvel Fadersdotter (Sparre), widow after Truid Gregersen Ulfstand behaved the current main building. Through merrage comes Torup gradually to families Grubbe. During Sigvard Grubbes time visited Torup often of Christian IV. He let soldiers dig up that sea, that surrounded slottet until 1775. 1647 bought Torup of Corfitz Ulfeldt. From him was drawn the 1660 in to the sek. The was returned 1735 to his daughter son Jochum Beck. Afterwards came the castle to families Stjernblad and 1812 to hovmarskalk Gustaf Julius Coyet, dead 1862. He restored the due slottet. Then, the goods of Gustaf Johan was may Coyet, until 1924. The wide wife Henriettes dead 1941 went to Torup the daughter Amelie, merrage with Otto von Leithner. Their son Ernst Gustav inherited the goods 1956. After his death it was sold in 1970 to Malmö town, but Leitners heiress disposes the castle until 2035.


source: wikipedia